It has been a very long time since I have looked forward to a new album release as much as the album I was waiting for this week. For some reason, I avoided the illegal downloads and the full album myspace streaming. I wanted to wait for the release day, go to the store, hold the actual physical cd, and put it in my stereo, and just listen to it. When was the last time I actually did that? And what did I realize? I miss cds. Sure, iTunes is convenient, but it's not the same. And when your iPod dies, then you'll realize how stupid iTunes proprietary file protection is.
The album I bought today is City and Colour's "Bring Me Your Love". It was worth the wait, worth the trip to the store, worth the extra dollar or two. Tonight, I put the CD in my stereo and just sat for 45 minutes and took it all in. Of course, I might be biased, as I was a fan of the band already, but this CD is amazing. I encourage you to buy it from any of these places: Vagrant, Best Buy, Newbury Comics, AmazonMP3, iTunes.
From the "Live" album, here is "Sensible Heart". This track was rerecorded in the studio and can be heard on the new album.
Artist: City and Colour Track: Sensible Heart (live) MP3
Background Info:
Dallas Green is a member of Alexisonfire, based out of Canada. He releases solo albums under the name City and Colour. Previous releases include 2005's "Sometimes" and a live album in 2007. While Alexisonfire is considered screamo/post-hardcore, City and Colour is acoustically grounded, with the new album containing many elements found on a traditional folk record. The song topics are varied, ranging from the feeling of being separated from people you care about to death to trying to continue on in the face of adversity. For anyone looking to dedicate a song on Valentine's day, check out "The Girl". Go to City and Colour's myspace to listen to more tracks.