Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

"The dirty secret of higher education is that without underpaid graduate students to help in laboratories and with teaching, universities couldn’t conduct research or even instruct their growing undergraduate populations. That’s one of the main reasons we still encourage people to enroll in doctoral programs. It is simply cheaper to provide graduate students with modest stipends and adjuncts with as little as $5,000 a course — with no benefits — than it is to hire full-time professors."


Some interesting ideas here.

Wolfram Alpha

12:50 AM

Interesting. Google sure can't do all of these things. But will it catch on?

Young Love on X1FM

12:32 AM ,

I'd recommend watching the whole thing, but if you're pressed for time, skip to the sweet outro that starts at 7:55.

Cool website

11:49 PM

Check out for a pretty sweet music collaboration.

Album of the Year? We'll see on May 26th.

UPDATE: Links to preorder the album (CD and vinyl) here. I ordered vinyl from Insound in hopes of getting the sweet poster. Use coupon code SPRING09 at Insound to get 10% off.

YL at Bamboozle

12:50 AM ,

Disappointed that I'm missing this tour when it comes around in a few weeks. Find the dates at their MySpace.

Dan Keyes is a great dancer.

This is a band I just happened upon a few months ago when I received Shine a Light from someone. That album is terrific and today I purchased all of their other albums. I would recommend starting with Shine a Light, but their newest, Kensington Heights LP + Too Slow For Love EP, can be had for $5.06 at the Arts + Crafts website. If you don't want to start an account there, get it for $5.99 on AmazonMP3. Listen to some songs at their Myspace.

And guess what? The Associated Press named their newest album the top rock album of 2008. Not too shabby. Check out the article here, including the bands they beat out for the top spot.

For fans of The Gaslight Anthem, Rival Schools, Fugazi, Springsteen...


2:12 AM

Pretty great ad campaign. Definitely capitalizing on the recent Chuck Norris craze...but actually selling something good, instead of a Honda.

Here is just one. More available at the link below. Find out (and listen to) more at Eric Lewis' website.