Just got back from the Middle East, which was hot as always. That's not even an intentional joke.
However, Brooklyn's We Are Scientists were great! I've been into these guys since their first cd and it was great to see a lot of the old stuff mixed in with the new album. They are huge in the UK and hopefully they'll become more successful over here so they come around more often. It certainly seemed like the Downstairs was almost at capacity - probably a good sign, especially for the second night of the tour.

Here's the set list.
Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt (With Love And Squalor)
Chick Lit (Brain Thrust Mastery)
This Scene Is Dead (With Love And Squalor)
Inaction (With Love And Squalor)
Impatience (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Let's See It (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Cash Cow (With Love And Squalor)
Can't Lose (With Love And Squalor)
Callbacks (With Love And Squalor)
That's What Counts (Brain Thrust Mastery)
After Hours (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Textbook (With Love And Squalor)
Tonight (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Dinosaurs (Brain Thrust Mastery)
It's A Hit (With Love And Squalor)
Lethal Enforcer (Brain Thrust Mastery)
The Great Escape (With Love And Squalor)
I can't possibly only recommend one song, so go here and listen and then buy the albums!
Amazon, iTunes
However, Brooklyn's We Are Scientists were great! I've been into these guys since their first cd and it was great to see a lot of the old stuff mixed in with the new album. They are huge in the UK and hopefully they'll become more successful over here so they come around more often. It certainly seemed like the Downstairs was almost at capacity - probably a good sign, especially for the second night of the tour.

Here's the set list.
Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt (With Love And Squalor)
Chick Lit (Brain Thrust Mastery)
This Scene Is Dead (With Love And Squalor)
Inaction (With Love And Squalor)
Impatience (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Let's See It (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Cash Cow (With Love And Squalor)
Can't Lose (With Love And Squalor)
Callbacks (With Love And Squalor)
That's What Counts (Brain Thrust Mastery)
After Hours (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Textbook (With Love And Squalor)
Tonight (Brain Thrust Mastery)
Dinosaurs (Brain Thrust Mastery)
It's A Hit (With Love And Squalor)
Lethal Enforcer (Brain Thrust Mastery)
The Great Escape (With Love And Squalor)
I can't possibly only recommend one song, so go here and listen and then buy the albums!
Amazon, iTunes